Newsworthy items
Outside of doing what you can to be your best financially, there are other factors that can steer you in a different direction. Covid-19 would be the most recent example. Here are a few other items below. We’re having conversations with you and other experts to see what updates we should consider in your plan and investment strategy. Click below if you want to discuss your situation or how they affect you.
Affluent Americans Rush to Retire in New ‘Life-Is-Short’ Mindset
With Covid-19 changing where and how we work, whether we work at all, as well as our health, many are considering life outside of work. What does money mean to you? I find the most meaningful relationships do not just end at the idea of making more money, but what you can do with it. You may have enough to retire, but are you ready to stop working? Read more
An interview with Howard Marks, co-founder of Oaktree Capital Management
“So I think cycles are best understood not as ups and downs, which sounds kind of random, but as excesses and corrections.” Marks not only looks at the facts and figures of the investments he makes, but also considers the emotion and psychology of the markets in his decision making. His interview with Patrick O’Shaughnessy highlights the landscape over the last 18 months and his views on investing. Read/listen more
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing
ESG investing has been around for some time under different names. Lately there is a desire to show the impact your investments have with all stakeholders, not just to shareholders. Will there be a set of rules for large firms to provide this style of investing or is ESG a customized service? We believe in creating customized financial plans that focus on the impact you want to make on both you and your community. We are looking at ways to show the impact of changes in your plan have on both your own wellbeing and the areas impacted by your investments. Read/listen more
Inflation – It is always transitory
In 1974, President Ford announced his “Whip Inflation Now” or WIN campaign, to combat rising prices by encouraging personal savings and disciplined spending habits. During the 70’s rising costs were slowing down the economy. The effort did not get much praise and it took 9 years before inflation finally subsided. Now we have a good economy and the threat of inflation is concerning both policy makers and investors. The rate of change at which prices go up will subside at some point, and as consumers it is not very useful to question how much and for how long. As investors one of the best tools against rising costs is to own stocks for the long term. Which stocks fare better with the perception of rising prices is a better approach.